Data always tells the truth when presented in its entirety. At a time when the experimental Covid-19 vaccine is raising eyebrows for its alarming tendency to cause harm and death, a top professor at IIT Bombay has laid bare the truth – through the sheer use of undeniable data.
Bhaskaran Raman, who is with IIT Bombay’s department of CSE, has shed light on data of Covid and non-Covid deaths in US and Europe during the first two years of the coronavirus pandemic.
His deep research and lucid presentation has categorically reconfirmed what critical-thinking people have been suspecting all along – that far from preventing infections and saving lives, the period of Covid-19 mass vaccination drive has seen an unexplained spike in deaths.

Have a look at Raman’s full research below (click on the link) and share the message around in a world that is increasingly being misled by information sources that are blindly backing the Covid vaccine and ignoring its otherwise obvious failures and problems.
(Views expressed in the research are personal)
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Hello from the UK.
Many thanks indeed for this. I understand what has been going on re Covid 19 and have been trying to get the message out warning people since 2020. If I may comment as follows:
I have had my fair share of vaccines, including polio I believe. I used to think vaccines were of some use until, at 60 years of age in 2020, I researched properly. I changed my mind.
Covid 19 is the ‘flu, dressed up as a monster to scare people, re-branded if you will. This helps big pharma etc, control the populace and make more money.
The ‘flu is the internal toxicosis of the body, mainly via urea, partly due to metabolism of food and partly due to the many poisons in our environment which can and do enter our bodies in the air, food and water. The ‘flu cannot be transmitted to someone else as it is individual to each person.
Unless your blood is given to someone in a blood transfusion, for example.
Injecting poisons such as via vaccines merely adds to the toxicosis problem. Vaccines have never been of any use, it is merely that constant and persistent ‘advertising’ persuaded people that they were of use. The various deaths and harm have been well-documented over the decades. It is being documented now.
Vitamin D deficiency is the true pandemic due to indoor working and living away from the sunshine which, if we do the right thing things, will give us vitamin D (free!). Big pharma etc. are not keen on free as they don’t make much money out of it.
Vitamin D levels drop in the winter months, depending on latitude, due to reduced sunshine levels and as any gains in the summer months are depleted.
Lack of vitamin D causes rickets among other things. Polio was merely rickets re branded again for big pharma to make money. The polio vaccine was pointless. A good dose of vitamin D such as was once given via cod liver oil in a spoon (a disgusting taste I understand). You can now get this in capsule form of course.
Vaccines are neuro-toxins, if there is anything in them at all, as are most big pharma drugs. Therefore they are at best pointless.
If your immune system is in good order then by and large you will tolerate a poisonous vaccine. If weakened you will suffer various side effects. If your immune system is very poor you may die.
Boosting your immune system with vitamin D can go a long way to protecting you against the toxicosis, but vitamin C is very good as an anti-oxidant to help flush the toxins out of your system. By and large you should be able to gain your vitamins etc from good, untainted food. Highly processed foods will not help.
I have seen the statistics on Australia since February 2020. These show a close correlation between Covid cases and vaccination. It is abundantly clear the vaccines are causing the case numbers rise, as would be expected. Look at other statistics and you will no doubt see the same correlation.
I have done much on Covid 19 etc., here is my link to my summary. That gives access to the various other issues. I cover the statistics in the UK and USA and more recently those in Australia.
The following explains the variants. These are merely fear techniques to fool the gullible.
The following explains the media fear campaign.
A useful website on the deceit.
It should be noted that fear tends to ‘freeze’ the body’s immune system from functioning correctly and can stop people doing sensible things. Like avoiding having foreign bodies injected into their systems.
As regards vaccinated/unvaccinated I gather the goal posts keep changing so unvaccinated currently means not fully vaccinated. This means people who have had vaccines are lumped in with those who have not had recent vaccines.
As regards reasons of variance of symptoms, if any, between those who are vaccinated the problem lies in not knowing what exactly in each vial; sadly people will sell nothing for something and the vial might contain only saline, it is impossible to tell without testing each vial.
Vaccines are causing the issues by and large and case numbers and deaths will rise as a consequence. I recommend avoiding vaccines like the plague.
Some people have had the vaccines and are then promptly ill for a while, often very ill. I even know people who I would call friends. I warned them and they did not listen. Quite mad they are.
Please note I do use humour as necessary on posts and pages to lighten the mood and help make the points.
Kind regards
Baldmichael Theresoluteprotector’sson