March 21, 2023: This month marks three years since the coronavirus disease was declared a pandemic by the WHO (World Health Organisation) on March 11, 2020. Over the course of this turbulent period, a growing number of questions have been raised by medical experts, activists, and critical-thinking people in relation to the Covid-19 narrative.
The questions that critical-thinking people have been asking about the handling of the pandemic cover a wide range of subjects and issues.
Topics include the need for hard lockdowns, the origin of the Covid-19 virus, the media’s role in spreading fear, the vaccine mandates, the mask mandates, other restrictions such as physical distancing, the politicising of decisions at the WHO, the sweeping aside of alternative remedies and thoughts, and much more.
Empire Diaries spoke with a number of subject-matter experts and asked them what some of the important questions are that they would like the WHO to answer to the public at once.
This article is the second of a series of questionnaire sets that we are publishing in public interest. The series started with some thought-provoking questions directed at the WHO by Dr. Amitav Banerjee. In this article, noted Indian behaviour specialist Susan Raj has a diminutive, sharp, and thought-provoking list of questions for the international health body.
Susan Raj works on concepts that help create environmentally and economically sustainable habitats, and help change the unsustainable but highly desired civilisational model we call ‘cities’.
She has been critical of various aspects of the pandemic narrative, and campaigns to promote simple, localised, and non-invasive ways to treat diseases such as Covid-19.
1. Why were investments not made on medications [for Covid-19] that have worked for hundreds of years? Why are investments made mainly on new medications and vaccinations as a priority?
2. Dr. Otto Warburg won the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine in 1931 for a landmark discovery that helped the medical community get to the bottom of what causes cancer. Also, the Nobel for Physiology or Medicine in 2017 was awarded to Jeffrey Hall, Michael Rosbash, and Michael Young for illuminating work on the Circadian Rhythm. Why is this information not included in mainstream medical books, in context of modern-day health crises?
3. Why have so many non-mainstream treatments for Covid-19, which have shown success, been suppressed by the popular narrative?
4. During this pandemic, why were certain definitions related to medical science changed by the WHO without any stated scientific research?
5. In the context of the common pandemic narrative across the world, what is the New World Order and why would we need it?
6. Why is natural immunity not promoted when it has been established that artificial immunity is much weaker than natural immunity?
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Very good and thought provoking article
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